Thursday 2 January 2014

Laws Banning Porn Forward Unpleasant Stereotypes

In England, David Cameron has been making a great deal of hay about his success in protecting families by making it more difficult for people to search for porn. An article in the Telegraph, however, points out some rather disturbing stereotypes on which laws such as these – which are endorsed by powerful political lobbies in many countries – are based.

For women, it has been a long road toward being able to openly and unashamedly embrace sexuality. The restrictions on people’s rights to look at pornography, erotica, buy sex toys and engage in other sexual activities that many groups endorse tend to be predicated on the idea that they are somehow protecting women. As the article points out, this rather tends to cast women in the role of helpless victims who are somehow always at risk because of the fact that sex exists.

Fast forward to the end of the article and you’ll find out some interesting facts. For example, women are more likely than men to search out certain terms related to sex in search engines. Women are also just as likely as men to look up information on sex toys, sex chat and other subjects, rather putting to the lie the idea that women need to be protected from sex and begging the question: who do these restrictions really serve?


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