Tuesday 29 April 2014

Study Shows that Thin Isn't Necessarily In

It’s common for men and women alike to associate being sexy with being thin. According to a new study, however, this isn’t necessarily the case and a good portion of the world might be fooling themselves as to what people want.

The study, the basis for an upcoming book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts, was conducted by two neuroscientists, Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam. They took millions of pieces of information from web searches and other sources and coalesced them into a picture of what really turns people on. One of the things they discovered will likely come as a surprise to people who are obsessed about their weight.

Where sexual arousal is concerned, men prefer overweight women to underweight women. Those runway models might do it for the fashion crowd, but not for the average person. Even more interning, the data suggested that men go after images of women 40-plus years in age in surprisingly large numbers.

If you’re a woman and you’re stressed about your weight and your age, you might be worrying about two things that give you a bit of a sexy edge over the too-thin young ladies out there, and might want to reassess a negative body image!


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